Monday, August 17, 2009

Technical Problems Have Kept Me From You....

My mom's got computer issues. I understand that. But why she's spent so much time trying to work on her own blogs on Dad's computer, and neglecting mine is hard to understand...

'Cause lately I've been doing so much fun stuff, and I wanted to share! I went to the Falmouth Road Race to watch my Molly run (only all I could see was LEGS~LEGS~LEGS!) Till she found me and I almost licked her face off!

People were so kind to me and gave me lots of water, and let me sit in their shade, and lick their legs... (well I tried anyway, I LOVE sunscreen!).

And I've been hanging out at Providence's Federal Hill - yeah, that's me you've been seeing there! Lookin for Mobsta's.... and I think I saw some - and THAT's why I've been blackballed from the al fresco dining areas on the Hill. They SAY the Board of Health won't let me sit under Mom's table.... but if that's true why is it OK for me to sit a foot away from it? UNcivilized. That's what. Mom said in Paris people's dogs slept under their tables in the cafes and brasserie's. No Big Deal. I want to go there, if mom will buy me my own seat on the plane. Think it'll happen? Here's me at the fountain at Venda Ravioli (2 feet from people eating outside - horrors!)

This is me ouside of Pastiche... a beautiful spot on the Hill. Good coffee, too, Mom says. I like the way I look against this blue, anyway.... Have a good week, all!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What HAVE I Been Up To?

Well, I have been practicing touching my nose with my tongue. It's not as easy as you think.

And I took my mom and dad to the Sakonnet River Vineyards... I looooove running around those fields, and they, being extremely civilized, allow us pups to walk right on in through the tasting areas. They have some big dogs of their own, who are really friendly.
Mom and dad get lunch there and sit in the shade and taste their wines, and I make ALL KINDS of friends. You know it!

Later my mom said "Paco... what should I paint today?" And I picked a Cosmos flower - my next favorite after Morning Glories (which are delicious).

I thought she said "WE would paint" so I got my brush and started chewing on the bristles to get them nice and wet...

But apparently I am NOT allowed to paint. What am I supposed to do? Stand around looking cute?