Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another SHOT?

See me here?  Don't I look TERRIFIED?
My Mom says "Go with the nice lady, Paco, and there's a treat when you come back!"

OK, but I KNOW what 'shot' means.  I had one a few weeks ago for my Lyme Disease exposure.  This lady smiled for the camera, but as soon as the photo shoot was over she was *all business*.  OOOWWWWWW! 

I actually need 2 treats after this.  Isn't it enough I have to take pills for my itchies every morning and night? (OK, I get CHEESE with them, but still..)


  1. Poor Paco! I hope you got lots of treats after the torture! We all know moms only make us go through such things because they love us, but that doesn't keep it from hurting!!

    Brutus & Carmen

  2. Sweet Paco!!! I'm sorry they are torturing you!!! Make sure demand plenty of treats!! if they don't provided them, you let us know and we plan a rescue mission!!



  3. Poor baby. They tell us kids not to go with strangers offering treats!! Go figure
    Benny & Lily

  4. Poor guy!! Awe..... but he does get some treats!! yay!!

  5. Sweetest Paco
    Oh that makes me feel so bad for you knowing you must get a shot! How scared and afraid you are.
    I hope you got a whole jar full of treats when you left that doctors office. And I hope your mommy made a nice soft bed for you to rest your owie body on
